Thursday, November 11, 2010

Life is Great

So, just an update ,which it feels like I am always doing. I can't seen to keep up.
We have moved into Jake's parents house. I love it. Eileen and I take turns making dinner, their house is always clean. I don't hav eto go any where for a baby sitter. They live in the same house. The girls have adjusted. The first week was rough, but we got through it. Stephanie would keep asking if we could go home, and we would say that we were home. She would reply with, "NO, Grandma's House!"

Jake has only a few weeks left of school, and then on to student teaching. Yeah. He just took one of the big tests to graduate and only one more to go. I am so excited to find out where we will be this summer.

As for me I am still a stay at home mom with a day or two at work so I can keep my sanity. I am reading the last book of the Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites series. It is way intense. I hope it doesn't leave a cliffhanger like the last book did. Next I am going to start the Hunger Games.

The girls are growing fast. They wore their snow boots for the first time today and Mercede was having a hard time keeping her balance since she couldn't bend her ancles. They love being at Grandma's house all the time now. I hope they do ok when we leave.

Well, that is all. I will post some pictures when I take some. Like I said way behind.

1 comment :

  1. I'm glad that it's working out at Jake's parents house!


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